Note: To convert to cubic feet per second (cfs) divide gpm by 448.8.
a. Sizing per manufacturer’s specifications.
Note: To convert to cubic feet per second (cfs) divide gpm by 448.8.
Note: To convert to cubic feet per second (cfs) divide gpm by 448.8.
(7)Other design requirements.
(a) Subsoil drains.
1. A subsoil drain discharging to a plumbing system shall discharge into an area drain, manhole or storm sewer, trapped receptor or a sump with a pump.
2. Where a foundation drain is subject to backwater, the drain shall be protected by a backwater valve or a sump with a pump.
(b) Backwater valve. All backwater valves shall be accessible for maintenance.
(c) Sewer location.
1. No storm building sewer or private interceptor main storm sewer may pass through or under a building to serve another building, unless one of the following conditions is met:
a. The storm building sewer or private interceptor main storm sewer serves farm buildings or farm houses, or both, that are located on one property.
b. Where a storm building sewer or private interceptor main storm sewer serves buildings that are located on one property, a document that indicates the piping and distribution arrangement for the property and buildings is recorded with the register of deeds no later than 90 days after installation.
2. The location of storm building drains and building sewers shall comply with ss. SPS 382.30 (11) (d) and 382.40 (8) (b) 7.
(d) Installation requirements.
1. The connection of a stormwater leader discharging to a storm building sewer shall be made at or above the finished grade.
Note: For more information regarding joints and connections, refer to s. SPS 384.40.
1m. If in direct connection and at finished grade, a removable strainer shall protect the inlet. The capacity of the strainer shall be provided in accordance with sub. (9) (b).
2. The elevation of a storm building drain shall comply with s. SPS 382.30 (11) (b) 1.
3. Interior inlets and drains subject to backflow or backwater shall be protected with a check valve or backwater valve.
4. Storm building drains and building sewers shall be installed to comply with s. SPS 382.30 (11) (e).
5. Storm building sewer connections to public sewers shall be in accordance with s. SPS 382.30 (11) (f).
6. Cleanouts for conveyance system piping shall be installed in accordance with s. SPS 382.35.
7. Storm building sewers that receive clearwater and that may be subject to freezing shall be installed in accordance with s. SPS 382.30 (11) (c) 2.
8. Storm building drains, clearwater building drains, and building storm sewers and appurtenances shall be separated from water wells by the applicable separation distances contained in chs. NR 811 and 812, or as otherwise permitted by the department of natural resources.
9. All underground stormwater storage tanks for water reuse shall be separated from sanitary sewers by a minimum of 8 feet.
a. A means to locate buried non-metallic storm building sewers and private interceptor main sewers that discharge to municipal mains shall be provided in accordance with the options under s. SPS 382.30 (11) (h), except as provided in subd. 10. b.
b. Tracer wire insulation color for non-metallic storm pipe shall be brown.
11. Subsoil drain connections to the storm sewer shall be installed at a point above the horizontal center line of the storm sewer in such a manner that the subsoil drain is entirely above the top of the building sewer; or be provided with a backwater valve.
(e) Hydrodynamic stormwater separators. Hydrodynamic stormwater separators shall conform to ASTM F1745/F1745m.
(8)Sumps and pumps.
(a) Sumps.
1. ‘General.’ All storm building subdrains shall discharge into a sump, the contents of which shall be automatically lifted and discharged, dispersed or used in accordance with sub. (4).
2. ‘Construction and installation.’
a. Except as provided in subd. 2. c. and d., an interior sump shall have a rim extending at least one inch above the floor immediately adjacent to the sump.
b. A sump shall have a removable cover of sufficient strength for anticipated loads.
c. Where a sump is installed in an exterior meter pit or elevator pit, the rim may be level with the floor.
d. When a sump is provided with an airtight, solid cover.
3. ‘Location.’ All sumps installed for the purpose of receiving clearwater, groundwater or stormwater shall be separated from water wells by the applicable separation distances contained in chs. NR 811 and 812, or as otherwise permitted by the department of natural resources.
Note: See ch. SPS 382 Appendix A-382.30 (11) (d) for material reprinted from s. NR 812.08.
4. ‘Size.’
a. Except as permitted under subd. 4. b. or c. the size of each sump shall be no smaller than 16 inches in diameter at the top, 14 inches in diameter at the bottom, and 22 inches in depth, but in no case smaller than the manufacturer requirements to ensure sufficient pump run time.
b. The minimum sump diameter may be smaller than 16 inches when specified by the manufacturer for a combination sump and pump.
c. A sump located in an elevator pit may have a width or diameter of not less than 12 inches and a depth of not less than 12 inches.
5. ‘Solid covered sumps.’ A storm or clearwater sump with a solid cover shall be vented. The vent shall terminate a minimum of 1 inch above finished floor and be sized per Table 382.31-4. In lieu of a separate vent, a sealed sump may incorporate a radon vent connected to the subsoil drain or sump cover.
(b) Pumps.
1. ‘Size.’ The pump shall be of a capacity appropriate for the anticipated use.
2. ‘Discharge piping.’
a. Where a pump discharges into a storm drain system, a check valve shall be installed.
b. The minimum diameter discharge piping shall be based on the design flow rate of the pump and a minimum velocity of one foot/second.
3. ‘Clearwater discharge.’ Clearwater may not discharge into a stormwater sump, except for one- and 2-family dwellings.
(9)Inlet requirements.
(a) Interior clearwater drain inlets. Interior clearwater drain inlets shall terminate at least one inch above the finished floor.
(b) Exterior stormwater inlets.
1. ‘Construction.’
a. All exterior stormwater inlets shall be constructed of material in accordance with s. SPS 384.30.
Note: For additional information on approved materials, refer to s. SPS 384.30 (3) (f).
b. All exterior stormwater inlets subject to vehicular traffic shall be set on a suitable base capable of sustaining the anticipated load.
2. ‘Design.’ All exterior stormwater inlets shall be designed for the anticipated flow.
Note: For manhole requirements, refer to s. SPS 382.35 (3).
3. ‘Inlet grates.’
a. General. All inlets shall be provided with a well-fitted, removable grate of a thickness and strength to sustain the anticipated loads.
Note: Sections SPS 362.1101 to 362.1110 specify that for floor or ground surface inlets when placed within an identifiable accessible route, openings in the floor or ground surface shall be of a size that does not permit the passage of a ½-inch sphere. Also, it states that grates having elongated openings be placed so that the longest dimension is perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel.
b. Floor or ground surface inlets. Openings in the floor or ground surface shall be of a size that prohibits the entrapment of wheeled vehicles, wheelchairs or pedestrians within the grate openings.
c. Grates on horizontal pipes. Grates shall be provided on horizontal inlets greater than 6 inches in diameter. The grates shall be placed so that the rods or bars are not more than 3 inches downstream of the inlet. Rods or bars shall be spaced so that the openings do not permit the passage of a 6-inch sphere.
Note: See ch. SPS 382 Appendix for further explanatory material.
(c) Subsurface areas of 50 square feet or less. Other than stairwells, all subsurface areas not exceeding 50 square feet and exposed to the weather, shall comply with one of the following:
1. Drain to foundation drains through a minimum 2-inch diameter pipe or a through a continuous layer of washed stone aggregate.
2. Drain to the storm building drain, storm subdrain or storm sewer through a minimum 3-inch diameter pipe.
(d) Subsurface areas of more than 50 square feet and stairwells. An area drain shall be provided in subsurface areas greater than 50 square feet and in all stairwells exposed to the weather. The area drain shall comply with all of the following:
1. Drain to the storm building drain, storm subdrain or storm sewer.
2. The fixture drain shall have a minimum 3-inch inside diameter and may not discharge into a subsoil or foundation drain.
(10)Roof drains.
(a) General roofs. Conventional roof, deck, and balcony drains shall conform to ASME A112.6.4 and the following:
Note: Roof structure requirements are contained in chs. SPS 361-366.
1. Roof drains shall be equipped with strainers extending not less than 4 inches above the surface of the roof immediately adjacent to the roof drain. Strainers shall have an available inlet area above the roof not less than 1.5 times the area of the conductor to which the drain connects.
2. Roof strainers used on sun decks, open parking decks, and similar areas shall be of the flat surface type, shall be level with the deck, and shall have an available inlet area not less than 2 times the area of the conductor to which the drain connects.
(b) Siphonic roof drains. Siphonic roof drains shall conform to ASME A112.6.9 or ASTM F2021 and be indelibly marked with the following minimum information:
1. The dome, bodies, and baffle plates shall be marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark.
2. The baffle plate and drain body shall be marked with the baffle plate model number, resistance value, k, and words, “replace missing baffle with model .”
3. The design of siphonic roof drainage systems shall conform to ASPE 45.
(c) Controlled flow roof drains.
1. ‘Application.’ In lieu of sizing the roof drain piping based on actual maximum horizontal roof areas as specified in sub. (5) (a) 1., the roof drain piping may be sized based on the equivalent adjusted maximum horizontal projected roof areas which result from controlled flow and storage of storm water on the roof.
2. ‘Installation.’ Control of storm water runoff shall be by control devices. Control devices shall be protected by strainers.
3. ‘Sizing.’ Two or more drains shall be installed on roof areas less than or equal to 10,000 square feet in area, 4 or more drains shall be installed on roof areas greater than 10,000 square feet in area.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.